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Seminar 3 2023-2025: ACUTE LEUKEMIA: WHO classification, biology and prognosis
Seminar 3 2023-2025: ACUTE LEUKEMIA: WHO classification, biology and prognosis
Chair: Dr. Benjamin Bailly (Jolimont hospital)
- Welcome & introduction – Adrien De Voeght (CHU Liège)
- AML : WHO classification, biology and prognosis – Dimitri Breems (ZNA)
- AML - treatment for fit and unfit patients – Koen Theunissen (LOC)
- Brief discussion for infectious prophylaxis in the setting of VenAZA – Adrien De Voeght (CHU Liège)
- APL treatment– Fabio Andreozzi (Institut Jules Bordet)
- ALL from Biology to the treatment – Carlos Graux (Université de Namur)
Acute leukemia and aggressive lymphoma in children - Barbara De Moerloose (UZ Gent) - Closing remarks – Adrien De Voeght (CHU Liège)
In short
Information sheet
Presenter: Dr. Dimitri Breems
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