Secretarial offices
BHS official headquarters
The official headquarters of the Belgian Hematology Society (BHS) are located at the Belgian Foundation against Cancer:
Belgian Foundation against Cancer
479 Chaussée de Louvain / Leuvensesteenweg
1030 Brussels
BHS Company number: 0434.918.405
RPR Brussel - RPM Bruxelles
Seauton Association Management & Events
Seauton tasks:
- Organisation of BHS meetings
- Organisation of BHS course (reservations, advertising, post ppt and references on website, payments, certificates, lists of attendance, evaluation…)
- Mailing box of BHS (grant applications, external / website contacts…)
- Website management: posting of documents, E-mails…
- Membership management
- Travel grant management
Wetstraat/Rue de La Loi, 42,
1040 Brussels, Belgium
The Belgian Hematology Society is a not-for-profit organization (asbl/vzw) under Belgian Law (BE 434.918.405).
The statutes of the association, adopted for the first time at the creation of the association in 1985 and modified for the last time on 04 February 2023, and published in the Annexes to the Belgian Official Gazette of 18 October 2023, have been replaced by the following statutes.
The main changes to the statutes are the following:
- Appointment of Mr. Adrien De Voeght to the position of administrator
- Revocation of Ms. Sophie Servais from the position of administrator
- Complete replacement of the statutes in accordance with the new Companies Code and
- Maintaining the head office at the current address
You can download the BHS annual report of the last years here: